
Acceptance Testing
2.2 Administration master data 2.3 Accounting 2.5 Procurement management 仕入れ 2.6 Sales Management 2.7 Production management
Installation and setup of Eclipse IDE


Oracle XE は推奨されていない

Express Edtion の 4G の制限はERPでは現実的ではないが、制限事項を解った上で動かすことは問題ない。

alter session set "_optimizer_filter_pred_pullup"=false;
Oracle 10g express edition in Openbravo 04/21/2009 12:55

Do not use Oracle XE 10g. It's 4GB storage limitation makes it useless for heavy development in a few days, and it has a bug that happens usually when using Openbravo ERP. Therefore, the recommended version is Standard Edition 11g (>=


What details do you want to know? You can install Openbravo ERP in Oracle XE, but it is not recommended because of the reasons you've copy/pasted.


You can always install it, test it and see if you can live with those limitations.

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