入手しようとした Patch をダウンロードしようとしたとして認証を求められる。
クリティカルな不具合である。 手動で alter table すれば対応できそうであるが、 Path 関連の情報をまとめておくことにする。
Always Updated
System Administrators using the Community Edition may find out about and manually perform ERP patching. Customers of this edition have regular access to certified maintenance updates or upgrades to new releases. This occurs as soon as they become available and allows the ERP to always remain up to date with the latest fixes. All updates or upgrades are guaranteed to have been tested by the Openbravo Team.
Openbravo Network system administrators are sent notifications of each maintenance update or upgrade as soon as it becomes available. Where available, updates or upgrades are automatically accessible from the Web Based Administration Console.
System administrators may may find out about and manually perform stack updates and upgrades. There is a special setup offered to certain Network edition users.
Some editions come with access to a Web Based Administration Console. If so, system administrators are sent notification of each maintenance update or upgrade as soon as it becomes available. This allows the ERP to always remain up to date with the latest security features, without the need to search or stay up to date with Openbravo. All updates or upgrades sent to the console or to Network edition users are guaranteed to have been tested by the Openbravo Support Team.
This edition comes packaged with a web-based administration console that has been customized to perform all required set-up and maintenance tasks for Openbravo ERP, including scheduled back-ups, system updates, SSL certificate upload, firewall configuration, ... No extensive Linux knowledge or command line instructions are required. To see some screen shots, please
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