
Acceptance Testing
2.2 Administration master data 2.3 Accounting 2.5 Procurement management 仕入れ 2.6 Sales Management 2.7 Production management
Installation and setup of Eclipse IDE


Create a purchase order

1. Create a purchase order 
  • Short description:Create an order to be used when creates a good receipt
  • Steps:
    • Login as userA
    • Go to Procurement management->Transactions->Purchase Order
    • Click New and two possibilities:
    • A.- Click on the bp icon and verify:
      • When you click the bp icon a pop-up window must show up and the radio button 'provider' must be checked. Please select VENDOR A
    • B.- Or write in the bp box VA and verify:
      • A pop-up window doesn't show up and the bp box is filled with the name VENDOR A
    • For both cases verify:
      • Invoice from: "Pamplona, Street Purchase center nº1"
      • The combo box User/Contact must have the value: John
      • Price list: PURCHASE
      • Form of payment: Wire Transfer
      • Payment terms: 90 days

Vendor が設定されていないと Business Partner に表示されない。

Product を選択する際の Price List は "Pruchase -EUR" を選択しないと A Raw material が表示されない。

  • Move to tab Lines and click New. There are two possibilities:
  • A.- Click on the product icon and verify:
    • When you click the product icon a pop-up window must show up.
    • The price list combo must be filled with the value Purchase
    • When click Search only 3 products must appear: A Raw material, B Raw material, C Raw material. Select A Raw material
  • B.- Or write in the product box RMA and verify:
    • A pop-up window doesn't show up and the product box is filled with the name Raw material
  • For both cases verify:
    • UOM:Unit
    • Unit price:2
    • List price:2
    • Tax:VAT 10%
  • Fill in Ordered quantity= 1
  • Move to header and complete. Verify:
    • Summed Line Amount= 2
    • Grand Total Amount= 2.2
Complete しても Grand Total Amount= 2 となり 2.2 とはならず。

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