- Short description: Testing the button 'Create lines from' and the way of creating purchase invoices
- Steps:
- Login as userA
- Go to Procurement management->Transactions->Purchase invoice
- Click New and select Transaction Document= AP Invoice[買掛]
- Select the business partner using two possibilities:
- A.- Click on the bp icon and verify:
- When you click the bp icon a pop-up window must show up and the radio button 'provider' must be checked. Please select VENDOR A
- B.- Or write in the bp box VA and verify:
- A pop-up window doesn't show up and the bp box is filled with the name VENDOR A
- For both cases verify:
- Invoice from: "Pamplona, Street Purchase center nº1"
- The combo box User/Contact must have the value: John
- Price list: PURCHASE
- Form of payment: Wire Transfer
- Payment terms: 90 days
- Click on button 'Create lines from' and verify:
- Business partner: VENDOR A
- In the "Order" combo box there is the purchase order
- In the "Shipment" combo box there is the good receipt
- Select the good receipt and click OK
- Move to Lines and verify:
- Product: A Raw material
- Taxes: VAT 10%
- The box "Purchase Order Line" is filled properly
- The box "Shipment/Receipt Line" is filled properly
- Go back to Header and click Complete
- Move to Payments and verify:
- Due Date 90 days after the invoice date
- Form of Payment: Wire transfer
ORA-6508 で完了できず。 データの問題か?
0005111: Oracle error after completing a purchase invoice
0005111: Oracle error after completing a purchase invoice
C_INVOICE_POST.xml の改訂履歴 を確認した範囲でもこの不具合は報告されていない。
C_INVOICE_POST Procedure の再作成により動作するようになる。
Procedure C_INVOICE_POST を一旦削除(drop)して、再作成(create or replace procedure)すると ORA-6508 は発生しなくなった。