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F_Doc/Process Manufacturing Plan Logic

Process Manufacturing Plan Logic

The manufacturing plan process is structured in three different steps.


Before starting these steps the manufacturing plan lines that are not fixed are deleted, normally these lines are the proposals created in previous execution of the process.

ステップ開始時、fix していない製造計画詳細(MRP_Run_Productionlines)のデータは削除される。

And all the remaining lines are set as not exploded except the lines of products that are manufactured in a work requirement in progress as the lines of the products that are consumed in that work requirements will already exist.


Once the lines are prepared begins the process, the first step is the initialization.


The initialization consists on including in the process all the transactions expected to happen during the defined time period and that fulfills the planning method of each product.


In this step are considered all the products that fulfills the filters set in the manufacturing plan.

To know if a product has been initialized or not, the existence of inserted stock lines is checked. The stock lines are always included. For the purchase plan process are considered the purchase and sales orders, the sales forecasts and work requirements in progress.

Explode product tree

In the second step is exploded the tree of products that are manufactured. The explosion is performed in a recursive manner while not exploded lines exist. On each iteration all not exploded lines are considered. If the quantity of the line is negative it is a demand so a new line is inserted with opposite quantity. If the product of the line is purchased the new line is a Material Requirement proposal with planned and order date a number of days before defined by the lead time, the line is inserted as exploded as the purchases are managed in the purchasing plan. When the product is not purchased the new line is a Work Requirement proposal. The planned date is calculated using the lead time as the previous case, the order date that states the beginning of the needed production is calculated based on the capacity, minimum delay and needed quantity. When the quantity of the line is positive it is assumed that the line is of a product that is needed to produce and is not exploded. In this case is necessary to insert a line for each product related with in the production, all the raw materials and also the secondary products that can be produced in the default process plan of the product. The new lines of raw materials are inserted as not exploded and their planned date is the calculated date in which the production should start. If the product of the line that is being exploded is used as raw material to produce other products those products are initialized to be also considered in the manufacturing plan. Finally the line is set as exploded. When all the lines are exploded is checked if there still are not exploded lines to repeat the loop until all lines are exploded.

Process plan

Lastly each product is planned calculating the necessary quantities and dates. This section is still to be completed.

Create Work Requirements Logic

The work Requirement creation process creates a work requirement header for each proposal generated in the Manufacturing Plan process. The ending date is the need by date calculated in the proposal and the start date is also calculated in the proposal based on the capacity and minimum delay defined for the product. The creation date is defaulted to the current date.
Conversion rate and process unit are not filled by this process.

Work Requirements are created without processing them in order to allow a final review before initiating production.

Each proposal is then linked with the created work requirement for traceability purposes.

Create Material Requirements Logic

This section is still to be completed.

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