
Acceptance Testing
2.2 Administration master data 2.3 Accounting 2.5 Procurement management 仕入れ 2.6 Sales Management 2.7 Production management
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F_Doc/MRP Concepts

MRP Concepts

Material Requisitions

Material Requisitions are demands for products to be purchased.

Material Requisitions : 製造のためにどのような部材を購入(仕入れ)する必要があるか。

They are the output of the Production Plan process - which creates demand for raw material - and a possible input of the Purchase Plan process.

Material Requisitions : Production Plan process の raw material の需用、あるいは Purchase Plan Process からも作成される、

Each requirement is identified by a document number and it is composed of one or more lines, one per needed product and date combination. For each line, the following attributes are specified:

  • Product
  • Need by date
  • Requested quantity
  • Vendor (optional)
  • Price list (optional)
  • Price (optional)
  • Currency (optional)

Sales Forecast

Sales Forecasts are a projection of customer demand for a given product or expected sales for customers. They can be used as inputs in theManufacturing Plan and in the Purchasing Plan.

The key attributes of a sales forecast are:

  • Business partner: the customer to whom you forecast the sale
  • Date (optional): the date on which you enter the forecast - you can use this attribute to version the forecast.

A forecast is made of several lines; each line specifies the product for which you expect demand, the date when you expect the sale to occur, and the quantity expected be sold.

Planning method

The planning method is used to set the different transaction types that are considered during the planning process, as either supply or demand.

The planning method is a property of the product so different products can have a different planning method.

The available transaction classes for the planning method are:

  • Requisitions (Material Forecast)
  • Purchase Orders in progress
  • Sales Forecasts
  • Sales Orders in progress
  • Work Requirement in progress

For each transaction type, it is also possible to define whether transactions are considered for the whole time horizon or just for a portion:

  • Days from start: the number of days from the beginning of the planning period to the start of the transaction time frame being considered.
  • Days to end: the number of days from the beginning of the planning horizon up to which transactions are considered.

You can also specify the percentage of quantity to be considered using the Weighting attribute. For example, if you specify a weight of 0.9 for Sales Forecast, if you provide a forecast of 100 units for a specific product, the planning method will only consider 90 units.


The Planner is an entity used to filter the products considered in the planning processes. On each purchase or manufacturing plan is possible to select a planner so only products associated with that planner are considered.

Typically, in an enterprise, different people are responsible for planning manufacturing and purchasing of different products. You can usePlanners to model that practice.

Please notice that in the manufacturing plan process other products can be included when the product tree is exploded, see Manufacturing Plan section.

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