All the products are created under the new product category Cables
and are checked as production products.
In the following table is shown all the relevant configuration of the products, the process plan has to be updated on the product later when it is created. The MRP specifics are defined in the Org specific tab, for raw materials are also inserted in the Purchasing tab (it is used Anghet ,Company as current vendor).
部品(M_Product)は Org specific タブで 組織(M_Product_Org)と紐付けされている。
また row materials (Copper, Plastic,Plugs) は Purchasing タブで仕入先( vendor )を紐付けされている。
The intermediate product Cable is not considered in the MRP as all the cable created in the process plan is consumed in the same process plan to produce the usb cable.
仕掛品 Cable はMRP対象外 (usb cable の process plan による)
The raw materials and the finished products are also included in a price list: 01-01-2005 Special nº1 for the Usb cable and01/01/2005 Purchase for Copper, Plastic and Plugs
原料と完成品はそれぞれ上記のprice listに登録されていること。
Name | Purchase | Sale | Process PlanPlanningMethod | Org specific | Capacity | Safety Stock | Min. Qty/ Min.Order Qty. | Prom. Delivery Time | Qty. Type |
Copper | Y | N | California | 1 | 10 | 10 | |||
Plastic | Y | N | California | 1 | 5 | 15 | |||
Cable | N | N | |||||||
Plugs | Y | N | California | 100 | |||||
Usb cable | N | Y | Usb Cables | California | 100 | 100 | 1 |
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