
Acceptance Testing
2.2 Administration master data 2.3 Accounting 2.5 Procurement management 仕入れ 2.6 Sales Management 2.7 Production management
Installation and setup of Eclipse IDE


How-to MRP / After processing the plan

Manufacturing Plan

Create a new Manufacturing Plan.

  • Name: Manufacturing Plan 1

  • Document Date: 2008-06-15

  • Time Horizon: 60

  • Lead Time: 1

  • Planner: Planner 1

After processing the plan 10 lines are inserted in the Lines tab.

実行後、Lines に10行データが作成されている。

We can see how it has considered the Sales Order,

Salse Order が考慮されているのがわかるが、

but not the Work Requirement because its Launch WR Date (2008-08-05) is later than the 30 days limit set in the Planning Method.

Work Requirement は実行日が Plan で設定したの30日以降なので考慮されていない。


On the Document Date we can see the 2 lines related to the stock of the products that are being planned,

Document Date: 2008-06-15 に製造品の在庫設定により2レコードのデータが作成されているのがわかる

in this case only the Usb Cable, as the Raw Materials are purchased.

今回の場合 Usb Cable のみ、なので原材料関係だけが購入される。

If the USB Cable had an intermediate product that was produced in a different Process plan it would have appeared here with its own Work Requirement suggestion if necessary.

仮に USB Cable が仕掛品をもっていた場合、別の Process Plan がその Work Requirement suggestion ともに必要に応じて表示される。

The remaining lines are related to the sales order.

残りの行は Sales order 関連のものである。

As the order is promised for July 7th and the Lead Time is 1 the MRP suggest a Work Requirement that would finish on July 6th.


This Work Requirement is of 600 units because it is considering also the Minimum stock of 100 units.

今回の Work Requirement の数 600 unit には最小在庫数100が考慮されている。

This Work Requirement consumes some raw materials at June 30th that is when is expected to start the production.


This leads to material requirements suggestions for the day before.


In the requirements in the Planned Order date is also calculated when should be ordered this products to arrive on time.

Planned Order Date も製造品の order に従い算出される。

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